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Job Listings

Interns & Fellows

Internship and fellowship opportunities are available year-round. We offer diverse, direct professional experience tailored to the skills, interests, and goals of each team member.

Educational opportunities are available as well: webinars, training, networking events, and one-on-one supervisor instruction.   

At this time, Good Counsel Services is unable to pay our interns, but we are happy to work with students’ schools for academic credit or outside funding. 

Legal Volunteers

Interested in nonprofit or immigration law? Need to complete required hours of pro bono practice? Help us support social change by joining our team.

At Good Counsel, our practice touches many sectors, focusing primarily in nonprofit law. ​ Nonprofit work generally includes trademarking, incorporation, and contract assistance. ​

Opportunities are available year-round with flexible scheduling. Work is largely independent and can be done remotely.  

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